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Welcome to St. Michael & All Angels, the parish church of Amersham on the Hill and part of the Church of England.
“As a Christian community, we seek to engage with the world around us and be a place of welcome and acceptance for all on a journey to God – believers, doubters and those who are seeking.”
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The Church is usually open Mon-Fri, 10.00a.m.-4.00p.m. Everyone is welcome to come in just to sit; to light a candle or to leave a card on the Prayer Tree. The Lady Chapel, beyond the glass screen behind the altar, has been set aside as a quiet place for private prayer. There are doors into it from both sides. just beyond the altar.
The Quiet Garden to the right of the church is available 24/7.
Usually there are weekly communion services at 8.30a.m. and 10.00a.m. on Sundays, and on Tuesdays at 10.30a.m. Morning Prayer takes place in the Lady Chapel on Tuesdays at 9.00a.m.
Some Sunday, 10.00a.m. services are live-streamed. These can be found at https://www.youtube.com/@stmichaelandallangels/streams and continue to be available after the service.
The Next Messy Church will be on Saturday, 21 September from 11.30a.m. - 1.00p.m.
St. Michael's Day Celebrations - Saturday, 28 September - 10am-2pm
The whole community are invited to join us in festivities to celebrate St. Michael’s Day.
This year's Harvest Appeal Charity is Carers Bucks, www.carersbucks.org, who support unpaid carers of all ages and backgrounds.
Beth Sawyers, Fundraiser at Carers Bucks, has agreed to come to St. Michael’s on Sunday, 22nd September for the 10a.m. service to speak about the charity and its work. Please come and support Beth and the charity then. The Harvest Appeal will continue to our Harvest Festival on 13 October. Donations can be made by filling an envelope or by using the card reader situated in the Narthex.
If you need pastoral support of any kind please contact the clergy or the church office.
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Duo Seraphin
Anthem - If ye love me
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Mission Giving 2023
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