Congratulations as you plan for your wedding day.
If you would like to be married at St Michael’s, or live within the parish boundaries but plan to marry at another Anglican church, please contact Hazel Miller, the Parish Administrator, Tel. 01494 726680. email: or complete and return the enquiry form at the bottom of this page.
A member of the clergy will then arrange to meet with you.
Your banns of marriage will need to be published at St Michael's on three consecutive Sundays prior to your wedding.
Since October 2008, it is much easier for couples who are planning to get married in the Church of England to have their wedding in the church of their choice.
If you wish to marry in a church that is outside the parish where you or your fiancé/e are living, without the need for a Special Licence, you or your fiancé/e will need to demonstrate one of the ‘qualifying connections’, and your banns will also need to be published in the parish(es) where you are living. Banns can be read up to three months before the wedding. An enquiry form for banns can be found at the bottom of this page, below the one for weddings.
The Church of England website has other useful information to help you as your plan your wedding day -